jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019

My indignation

Chile a country of unworthy pensions, old age should be the stage of life enjoyment where you harvested it through years of effort and work, but in our country it is quite the opposite.

Retirements and pensions are a misery, those who retire must continue to work so as not to starve starving, many of them with diseases that they must cover, the remedies are extremely expensive and the money is not enough to meet a person's minimum needs.

Men in their 65s who have worked all their lives are afraid of retirement and their incomes will fall to less than half. I will count a case very people of a 70-year-old woman, who worked all her life as a nanny and her pension is $70 thousand pesos, she must continue to work so as not to starve and be able to cover her expenses. It really is a sad reality that many Chileans live in our country

We need to end AFP pension systems now, we need a public pension system where there are no private interests.

5 comentarios:

  1. It's very true, in Chile it is very difficult to survive old age in peace and quiet, because money is not enough.

  2. I want a decent pension for my mother who has struggled all her life!

  3. The pension systems is bad, People spend a lifetime working so that in the end they receive a misery.

  4. Overuse of translator on this post:
    "and pensions are a misery, those who retire must continue to work so as not to starve starving, many of them with diseases that "

    Final Grade: 5.3
