lunes, 20 de julio de 2020

My life in ten years

Hello everyone!
Think about  what I will do in 10 years is difficult, because the future is uncertain. For example, I never imagined being locked up for more than 3 months by a pandemic, I always project maximum a couple of weeks hahahahaja, but I will try.
Fotos de Rancagua: Imágenes y fotografíasAfter I finish studying and have my university degree, I will return to Rancagua to work in a kindergarten or school because life in Rancagua is quieter and here is all my family and friends. I want to save money a couple of years to be able to buy an apartment, that is my first dream; be able to buy a house or apartment to live and be able to independent me hajja. I would also adopt a dog  and I really love animals, the serious obstacle that he would spend a long time only.  I would like to continue studying and taking out a magister or diplomaed as updating the curriculum is always important. About loving, just hope that life has a good plan for my <3

That's mainly, I find it very hard to think about the future, as life is so fragile and it can change in a second.

Venta de Departamentos en Los Angeles: Condominio Santa Ana ...

1 comentario:

  1. It is true, the future is very uncertain !, but in any case I hope that you fulfill your plans.
